Internal 1
Internal 2
Internal 3
Hi Res Version of Fun Color
- 1526 x 840, 59K
Fun Color Manual & Disk
- 1450 x 1102, 75K
Fun Color Box
- 1200 x 1600, 86K
Hi Res version, Internal 1
- 5312 x 2988, 4,755K
Hi Res version, Internal 2
- 5312 x 2988, 4,795K
Hi Res version, Internal 3
- 5312 x 2988, 4,698K

The Fun Color appears to be some sort of display enhancer that plugs into the Amiga's 23pin video port. It provides real-time anti-aliasing and synchronisation stability with support for between 256 and 800,000 colours.


Page contributors: Curseur, Simon Vergauwen
Updated: 7/20/2015 . Added: 12/22/2004