Hi Res Version, RC-2000
- 2526 x 1578, 561K
The RC-2000 is a remote control which can operate any combination of up to eight DPS Personal Time Base Correctors or MiscroSYNC cards including the DPS Personal V-Scope, DPS-235 and DPS-290. The remote control has 10 non-volatile memory locations per channel. Four precision rotary shaft encoders enable instant adjustment of all proc amp settings including genlock and configuration settings. Power can be supplied from an external DC source or from one of the controller cards. This device also has a serial port which can run at speeds pf 9,600 or 31,250.

  • Serial Data Output RS-232 4-Pin TelcoBaud Rate (Selectable)
  • Dimensions 1.59" H x 8.56" W x 4.89"
  • 2.1 mm DC external power input
Page contributors: Francisco Rabay Jr
Updated: 1/22/2005 . Added: 12/22/2004