Pictures shows a Rev 1.0 card
The 8 Channel Serial Board, also known as the Spider is a half length Zorro II card which provides your Amiga with 8 x 25pin serial ports. The ports work at up to 57,600bps and support the MIDI rate of 31250. All 8 ports connect to the card via the 64pin ribbon which splits into serveral backplates. The card contains an onboard RISC coprocessor running at 11.1Mhz to help buffer the throughput when all serial ports are in use. Apparently the processor can be clocked up to 14.7Mhz to increase performance. The card requires at least WB 2.1 and uses spider.device
Page contributors:
RiWa & Friends.
Updated: 1/15/2005 . Added: 12/22/2004