The Bomac Tower is a rare tower kit for Amiga 2000, great for Video Toaster users or anyone that needs additional space in their system. It houses the entire lower chassis of an A2000 inside a larger steel tower case.
Great for adding additional drives, four 31/2 and two 51/4 drives, gives you easy access to your amiga cards for ugrading or removing. The tower is about 25" tall, 18" deep, 8" wide and about 30 lbs.
To install all you have to do is remove your A2000 cover off your machine relocate your floppy drive and add any drives you wish in the tower, then just drop in your A2000 frame/motherboard into the tower housing, screw in the 5 cover bolts to sercure it in the tower hook up all your cables and go. You could also use a regular PC power supply to power extra drives.