Side view
Back connector
Bare connector
PCB closeup
PCB closeup
PCB closeup
Hi Res version, Side view
- 2592 x 1936, 1,710K
Hi Res version, Front
- 2592 x 1936, 1,416K
Hi Res version, Connector
- 2592 x 1936, 1,460K
Hi Res version, Back connector
- 2592 x 1936, 1,544K
Hi Res version, Connector
- 2592 x 1936, 1,533K
Hi Res version, Bare connector
- 2592 x 1936, 1,876K
Hi Res version, PCB
- 2592 x 1936, 1,718K
Hi Res version, PCB closeup
- 2592 x 1936, 1,666K
Hi Res version, PCB closeup
- 2592 x 1936, 2,092K
Hi Res version, PCB closeup
- 2592 x 1936, 2,005K
SCRAM 500 - SCSI + 8Mb FAST RAM expansion for A500/1000
The SCRAM 500 is a combination autoconfig SCSI controller, and autoconfig 8Mb FAST RAM expansion for the Amiga 500 and 1000. There is a SCSI disable switch on the back, and the amount of RAM is jumpable also - so effectively it can be disabled completely. This particular unit has 4Mb. There is also indication LED's on the front of the case. In traditional Amiga style this had custom chips with the names Griswold, Cyril, and Humphrey. The details of this device were supplied to the public domain including schematics, PCB and so on - so that anybody could freely make one. The custom chips, case and so on could be purchased from the designer Norman Jackson of MegaMicro Technologies in Australia.
Page contributors: PR
Updated: 8/27/2013 . Added: 8/27/2013