NovaBlox is a system to build a video processing system by using modular cards called NovaCards, of which around two dozen cards are available. Each NovaCard can be plugged into a computer or into one of several chassis. The range of NovaCard modules includes, time base correctors, frame synchronisers, sync generators, encoders, decoders, transcoders, distribution amplifiers and routing switchers. Future modules may also include image processors, scan converters, line doublers, analogue to digital converters and HDV compatible products.
NovaBlox were designed for the following applications:
- Production
- Post Production
- Satellite
- Microwave
- Desktop Video
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Frame Grabber
- Video Still Store
- Duplication
- Video Presentation
- Imaging
- CCTV Systems
NovaCards have the flexibility of plugging into either a computer or one of several NovaChassis that accommodate from one to 15 modules. Several of the NovaCards utilise RS-232 serial data for operational control. Choose either of the NovaTrol
control units or your computer screen. For networking or long distance control, a standard telephone modem may be used. This flexibility facilitates operation of remote headends, transmitter sites, video playback systems, editing and desktop video systems.
Each NovaCard that features serial control includes DOS, Windows and Amiga software. The computer interface is via the RS-232 serial port on either PC or Amiga computers. NovaCards fit into an IBM PC or compatible expansion slot, including Amiga and other computers.