CPU Side
Closeup bottom
Installed on A2630
Picture shows the Rocket Launcher installed on an A2630
Hi Res version, CPU Side
- 2832 x 2368, 967K
Hi Res version, Closeup bottom
- 2324 x 2000, 798K
Hi Res version,
- 2544 x 2132, 827K
Hi Res version, Closeup
- 3424 x 2592, 1,343K
Hi Res version, CPU's
- 3516 x 2424, 1,093K


Processor: 030@50Mhz
FPU: 68881 or 68882 (PGA)
MMU: Internal
Max Ram: None
Ram Type: Does not support the addition of RAM (See notes below)

The Rocket Launcher is an accelerator with a difference. It's actually an accelerator for an accelerator! It sits in the CPU socket of the Commodore A2630 to provide an 030@50Mhz.


Page contributors: Iggy Drougge, Jan Pedersen, Jorge Santillan
Updated: 3/5/2013 . Added: 12/22/2004