GVP 1208, Top
GVP 1208, Bottom
GVP 1208 with SCSI connector
Hi Res Version, GVP 1208, Top
- 1784 x 1142, 497K
Image of SCSI Connector, Top
- 1098 x 844, 210K


The GVP 1208 is a WD33C93A-based SCSI-II controller for the A1200 that plugs into the trapdoor slot. The SCSI controller supports DMA transfers and provides a 40pin internal SCSI connector for attaching 2.5" SCSI hard disks or via an optional DB25 external connector. The card also has a provision for accepting a 68882 (PLCC) FPU at up to 40MHz, and up to 8MB of additional 32-bit RAM. The GVP 1208 makes use of the GVP SIMM32 custom 64pin memory module, which differs from other 64-pin and 72-pin SIMM formats of the era.  The 2-8MB 16-bit memory features of the DPRC are not incorporated in the design.

The latest GVP FastROM 4.x supports this interface.  The GuruROM V6 also supports this product, however there has not been any testing opportunity to confirm this with actual hardware.  All SCSI-related driver features of the GVP Series II HC (and HC8) apply to this SCSI interface.

The memory on the board is of type AutoConfig, and locates itself in the Zorro II 8M space.  Use of more than a 4MB configuration setting will conflict with some PCMCIA card resource requirements as a result.

This board was known internally as 'FANG'.  BOM details from internal GVP documents can be found here: https://archive.org/details/gvp-fang-ii-bom

Page contributors: Mario Misic, Robert Miranda (GVP Tech Support), Takahasi Kasiko
Updated: 9/9/2024 . Added: 12/22/2004