 connects to: Zorro II
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A full length Zorro II SCSI card, which supports autobooting if Kickstart 1.3 is present. It has a 50pin internal SCSI header and what appears to be a DB25 external SCSI connector. It does not appear to adhere to the Commodore RDB (Rigid Disk Block) standard as it will not boot from a FFS volume. It has to be setup similar to the old A2090a if you wish to use FFS. The card uses the WD33C93-PL SCSI chipset made by Western Digital, has a header for an LED and one jumper to enable or disable autobooting (JP2, Labelled Kickstart 1.3 or 1.2).

This card has been reported to be incompatible with the A2620 and A2630 accelerator cards.

Page contributors: Paul Gable
Updated: 1/29/2006 . Added: 12/22/2004