Originally Posted by: zipper 
In addition to CS II it fits also on Blizzard 2060 as described somewhere in the Net. I'd salivate to get it into my A500 Micronik tower with Blizzard 2060!
---btw, posting with IE10 didn't work so I used Chrome..
Yes that correct, I'm the one, there tried, also we did a little
YoutubeAnd where did I get if from!. One day, I was looking on a local "ebay" look'a'like site. I spell Amiga wrong, I typed Amgia instead and this one a4000 came up. Amgia 4000D with PPC/060 and 060 card.
When to pick it up, spoke to him about old days, he was a old programer, there work together with Phase5, to make driver for running Linux on Amiga
http://www.amigahistory.co.uk/linuxapus.html also Try Google
Jesper Skov Linux AmigaI was on my way out, he said, btw I also got the development card, if it has interested. Yes why not, show me! and it was this PPC developer board, I offer him 40,- Euro, I told him, it is a fun card, but not really use full :D
The condition, as you can see here on
BBoAH is perfect. Also he have all documentation, invoices etc. Most of the stuff he got for free from Phase 5.
Edited by user Monday, March 25, 2013 9:30:10 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Correct youtube link