Hello Alex and welcome.
Back in late feb. I contacted the maintainers of the old mirros via email and also had a german user from A.org pass on a message to them. They confirmed in a thread at a german site, that they did receive my message about sync of content / colaboration.
I've never heard from them directly, so the plan is to graduately sync. this site with their version. To my knowledge the english fork has only been updated until start of 2010 (2010-02-28 22:46).
I have a flag in the database which keeps track of what entries has been synced - so it's just a matter of getting it done.
If someone can point out the entries that for sure has been updated and needs sync. feel free to post links to the entries here, and I'll update it very soon. The german version is Under Creative Commons, so I guess it's no problem to sync it.
Until now my focus have been on adding all contributions send to med and Ian - but sync is also planned.
Edited by user Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7:56:46 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified