Big Book of Amiga Hardware
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Files for
A1000 Keyboard (click to return to product page):
French/Belgian A1000 keyboard. Keys such as RETURN and TAB have symbols printed on them unlike the US version which used words. -
350 x 181, 15K
Picture of the US version of the A1000 keyboard -
350 x 184, 14K
Danish/Scandinavian keyboard. Note that the keyboard appears to be US but has Danish/Scandinavian stickers. -
350 x 138, 25K
Hi Res Version, A1000 French/Belgian Keyboard -
962 x 498, 82K
Hi Res Version, A1000 US Keyboard -
963 x 507, 71K
Hi Res Version, A1000 Danish/Scandinavian Keyboard -
2283 x 900, 420K