Big Book of Amiga Hardware
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Files for
A4000T (click to return to product page):
A4000T -
384 x 512, 48K
A4000T -
307 x 410, 55K
Motherboard, CBM version -
500 x 375, 43K
Motherboard, CBM version -
500 x 375, 49K
Hi Res version, Motherboard, CBM version -
3500 x 2625, 1,671K
Hi Res version, Motherboard, CBM version -
3500 x 2625, 1,554K
Image of Disk Module, Amiga Technologies version -
971 x 1092, 106K
Image of Disk Module, Commodore version (blank PCB) -
640 x 480, 63K
Image of I/O Module, Front Commodore version -
400 x 336, 52K
Image of I/O Module, Back Commodore version -
1224 x 838, 272K
Image of Audio/Video Module, Amiga Technologies version -
710 x 1036, 93K
A4000T Rev 4 Motherboard -
2117 x 1990, 1,228K
A4000T Rev 4 Motherboard, Front (Blank PCB) -
1978 x 1998, 1,099K
A4000T Rev 4 Motherboard, Back (Blank PCB) -
1978 x 1998, 1,056K
Hi Res Version, A4000T UK Keyboard -
1434 x 556, 77K
Picture of A4000T drive rail, Image 1 -
600 x 104, 8K
Picture of A4000T drive rail, Image 2 -
600 x 104, 7K
Motherboard Jumper Diagram -
Disk Module Jumper Diagram -
Amiga 4000T Manual (AT) -