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Files for
A3640-remake (click to return to product page):
A3640-remake board -
500 x 318, 34K
Remake board compared to Commodore version -
500 x 428, 48K
A3640-remake Rear PCB -
500 x 375, 35K
A3640-remake Front PCB -
500 x 375, 44K
Closeup of the incorporated jumper/gate addition from the Rev 3.1 C= A3640 -
500 x 375, 42K
Hi Res version, A3640-remake Rear PCB -
4032 x 3024, 3,483K
Hi Res version, A3640-remake Front PCB -
4032 x 3024, 3,898K
Hi Res version, Closeup of the incorporated jumper/gate addition from the Rev 3.1 C= A3640 -
4032 x 3024, 2,288K