Big Book of Amiga Hardware
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Files for
VXL-30 (click to return to product page):
VXL-30 with disk and manuals -
350 x 315, 40K
VXL-30, Front -
350 x 450, 56K
VXL-30, Back -
350 x 446, 59K
VXL-30 attached to VXL RAM 32 -
350 x 296, 37K
Hi Res Version, VXL-30 with disk and manuals -
1328 x 1196, 364K
Hi Res Version, VXL-30, Front -
1842 x 2370, 973K
Hi Res Version, VXL-30, Back -
1845 x 2352, 1,091K
Hi Res Version, VXL-30 attached to VXL RAM 32 -
2076 x 1758, 813K
Image of VXL-30 closeup, bottom section -
2440 x 1860, 1,133K
Image of VXL-30 closeup, top section -
2481 x 1824, 1,088K
Image of VXL-30 installed in an A500 -
1600 x 1200, 383K
Image of VXL-30 with box, manuals and disk -
600 x 800, 95K
Download Manual, JPG (English) -