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Files for
Cyberstorm PPC604e (click to return to product page):
PPC 604e@200Mhz, 060@50Mhz. Note: Fan has been removed on PPC -
350 x 184, 61K
PPC 604e, 060@60Mhz -
350 x 174, 22K
PPC 604e@233Mhz, (no 60/040), front -
350 x 167, 15K
PPC 604e@233Mhz, (no 60/040), back -
350 x 167, 16K
Prototype Card 1995 with Motorola PPC 604 66 MHz and Motorola 68030 50 MHz called MPC604 PowerUP -
500 x 281, 31K
Hi Res Version, PPC 604e@200Mhz, 060@50Mhz -
4288 x 2256, 7,099K
Hi Res Version, PPC 604e, 060@60Mhz -
2000 x 992, 336K
Hi Res Version, PPC 604e@233Mhz, (no 60/040), front -
2000 x 954, 278K
Hi Res Version, PPC 604e@233Mhz, (no 60/040), back -
2000 x 954, 255K
Image with component labels -
786 x 548, 64K
Picture of a Water-Cooled Cyberstorm PPC -
800 x 629, 59K
Hi Res version, Prototype Card 1995 with Motorola PPC 604 66 MHz and Motorola 68030 50 MHz called MPC604 PowerUP -
2048 x 1152, 355K
Download the Manual (English and German) -
Download the PDF Manual (English and German) -